Wednesday, May 29, 2013

3 levels of guitar playing

I have found another way of describing the skills of guitar player. It can be understood as a PC-game with levels.

1st level

First level is completed, when fingers are moving in a decent way, there are no obvious problems in this area.

2nd level

In this level one has nice finger-movements with nice sound quality. Most guitar players have stopped here. There is no need to go further - just play smoothly with nice tone and it's all right. It's a bit boring, but isn't this the essence of classical music - to be boring, "serious", fulfilled with things which are not for human being but for "übermench", the high standard yet to be understood, but not reachable for average Jack. Those high standards are so high that even the player himself barely understands them, though.

3rd level

This is for those who have some doubts about the boring seriousness of classical idiom. This can be described as introducing the musical ideas into playing. There must be done revolution - musical meaning must take the power over fingers. I'll not say that this be some kind of intellectual analysis of music, making excel-table or reading fat books. Not at all - it's about listening to the very sound, the output of your activity and making decisions in that soil. Not for the sake of finger-comfort or tone but for the sake of captivity or "meaning"* of musical content.

The reason

The reason, why I described those levels is mainly in the obstacle between levels 2 and 3. One can play smoothly with nice tone, but this can still be boring. there must be done some effort for reaching 3rd level. There is risk to loose the nice tone at the beginning. It can be taken as moving backwards. In India there is even special practice - making deliberately false, bad sound to make progress in over-all process. One can make living with playing just nice tone, so jumping to next level is risky business. But It pays back in joy of doing It, the divine thing, the Music itself not the crap to played daily in elevator loudspeakers.

*meaning is in parentheses because it has nothing to do with intellect


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